Dr Johan Ferreira

Counselling Psychologist

BA, BA Hons (Psych) – RAU – 1986
MA (Counseling Psychology) – University of
Stellenbosch – 1997
PhD (Past.) – University of North West – 2011
Health Professions Council of South Africa –
Psychologist (Independent Counselling Practice)
Fairland, Johannesburg.

I am an experienced psychologist and the director of therapeutic services with a
demonstrated three-decade history of consulting in the mental health care industry.

I practice as a registered psychologist through the skills I have in Mindfulness,
Individual Psychotherapy, Relationship Therapy, Case Management in pre-and post-divorce matters, Palliative Care and Interventions.  

I am a published author, blogger, columnist, speaker and trainer – my therapeutic approach is focussed on Positive Psychology which supports a process of attaining optimal functioning on an individual basis.

Close to heart

I have the privilege of being married to a supportive and creatively achieving wife that inspires my life purposefully.  We have managed to raise two boys into adulthood and they leave us feeling deeply grateful for the opportunity and the grace and profoundly proud of the men they have become.

The well-being of people has always been at the centre of my awareness and I continue to enjoy the connectedness that a therapeutic process brings into my life, leaving me with a sense of purpose as a person and a therapist.